Biography of Maulana Abdul Karim Sharma sahib
Missionary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community
Written by: Kashif Mahmood Virk (grandson) in Urdu
This is the biography of Maulana Abdul Karim Sharma sahib, missionary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at. He was born in Qadian on the 26th of May 1918. He passed away in 2013. Maulana Abdul Karim Sharma sahib served as a missionary for almost three decades in East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda). He lived for a long period of time in the United Kingdom and served there in the National Amla of the Jama’at.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his helper) commended his services in the Friday sermon dated 12th of July 2013 and stated:
“Thus, all missionaries should inspire their thoughts in this manner. This should be their desire for service, their passion, and their prayer to Allah Almighty. May Allah enable all missionaries to fulfil their life devotion (Waqf) with loyalty and elevate the status of Sharma sahib as well.”
The biography is written in Urdu by Kashif Mahmood Virk, a missionary currently serving in Stockholm, Sweden. He is the grandson of Maulana Abdul Karim Sharma sahib.
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