Uppmanar Koranen till krig mot oliktänkande?

Uppmanar Koranen till krig mot oliktänkande?

Fight those from among the People of the Book who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor hold as unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have declared to be unlawful, nor follow the true religion, until they pay the tax with their own hand and acknowledge their subjection. (9:29)

Versen ovan är bland de mest missförstådda av den Heliga Koranen. Genom denna vers rättfärdigar extremistiska tolkare av skriften religiösa krig mot de människor som har en annan tro. Vissa fasas över verser som talar om att personer med annan tro ska bekämpas militärt.

Begreppet ”cherry-picking” innebär att man plockar ut citat eller meningar ur kompletta texter för att de ska gynna ens egen sak eller åsikt. Detta fenomen förekommer även inom religion. De som utövar Islam som en form av våldsutövning, och för att tillgripa terror och mörda människor, gör sig skyldiga till detta. Det är därför mycket viktigt att ha kännedom om Koranen i dess helhet, för att kunna bilda sig en korrekt uppfattning om vad religionen Islam står för och representerar.

Många verser i Koranen talar mycket riktigt om krig.  Med denna artikel presenteras verser i Koranen som specificerar och avgränsar rätten till strid, och framlägger de omständigheter som rättfärdigar det. Nedan kan ni läsa dessa verser, under kort förklarande rubriker. Verserna presenteras i kronologisk ordning, och sammanfattas på slutet i 4 punkter.

Denna text kan med fördel användas som referens när ni finner att Koranens budskap förvrängs eller felaktigt tolkas på exempelvis sociala medier.

Källa för översättning

Surah (kapitel): Ayah (vers)

1. Strid enbart tillåtet mot dem som strider mot muslimer, till dess att de upphör och religionsfrihet råder

And kill them wherever you meet them and drive them out from where they have driven you out; for persecution is worse than killing. And fight them not in, and near, the Sacred Mosque until they fight you therein. But if they fight you, then fight them: such is the requital for the disbelievers. But if they desist, then surely Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful. And fight them until there is no persecution, and religion is freely professed for Allah. But if they desist, then remember that no hostility is allowed except against the aggressors. (2:192-194)

2. Muslimer negativt inställda till krig, men föreskrivs detta för att bekämpa religiös förföljelse. Genomgång av fiendernas oförrätter mot muslimer.

Fighting is ordained for you, though it is repugnant to you; but it may be that you dislike a thing while it is good for you, and it may be that you like a thing while it is bad for you. Allah knows all things, and you know not. They ask thee about fighting in the Sacred Month. Say: ‘Fighting therein is a great transgression, but to hinder men from the way of Allah, and to be ungrateful to Him and to hinder men from the Sacred Mosque, and to turn out its people therefrom, is a greater sin with Allah; and persecution is worse than killing.’ And they will not cease fighting you until they turn you back from your faith, if they can. And whoso from among you turns back from his faith and dies while he is a disbeliever, it is they whose works shall be vain in this world and the next. These are the inmates of the Fire and therein shall they abide. (2:217-218)

3. Muslimer uppmanas kriga i Guds väg, dvs genom rigoröst upprätthållande av Skriftens föreskrifter gällande krig

And fight in the cause of Allah and know that Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (2:245)

4. Krig motiverades för att skydda svaga trosfränder i fiendens grepp

And what is the matter with you that you fight not in the cause of Allah and of the weak — men, women and children — who say, ‘Our Lord, take us out of this town, whose people are oppressors, and make for us some friend from Thyself, and make for us from Thyself some helper?’ (4:76)

5. Var rättvis, även mot fienden

O ye who believe! be steadfast in the cause of Allah, bearing witness in equity; and let not a people’s enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice. Be always just, that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah. Surely, Allah is aware of what you do. (5:9)

6. Krig föregicks av mordkomplotter mot Islams grundare

And remember the time when the disbelievers plotted against thee that they might imprison thee or kill thee or expel thee. And they planned and Allah also planned, and Allah is the Best of planners. (8:31)

7. Om fienden upphör, förlåts alla tidigare oförrätter

Say to those who disbelieve, if they desist, that which is past will be forgiven them; and if they return thereto, then verily, the example of the former peoples has already gone before them. And fight them until there is no persecution and religion is wholly for Allah. But if they desist, then surely Allah is Watchful of what they do. (8:39-40)

8. Söker fienden fred, så ska deras begäran bli beviljad

And if they incline towards peace, incline thou also towards it, and put thy trust in Allah. Surely, it is He Who is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (8:62)

9. Fienden inleder fientligheter, genom att bryta förbund

Will you not fight a people who have broken their oaths, and who plotted to turn out the Messenger, and they were the first to commence hostilities against you? Do you fear them? Nay, Allah is most worthy that you should fear Him, if you are believers. (9:13)

10. Slåss mot fienden med samlad styrka, likt de redan slåss mot er med samlad styrka

The reckoning of months with Allah has been twelve months by Allah’s ordinance since the day when He created the heavens and the earth. Of these, four are sacred. That is the right creed. So wrong not yourselves therein. And fight the idolaters all together as they fight you all together; and know that Allah is with the righteous. (9:36)

11. Tillåtelse till strid endast given i självförsvar, för att värna om allas religionsfrihet

Permission to fight is given to those against whom war is made, because they have been wronged — and Allah indeed has power to help them — Those who have been driven out from their homes unjustly only because they said, ‘Our Lord is Allah’ — And if Allah did not repel some men by means of others, there would surely have been pulled down cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques, wherein the name of Allah is oft commemorated. And Allah will surely help one who helps Him. Allah is indeed Powerful, Mighty — (22:40-41)

12. Krig endast tillåten mot dem som bedrivit krig mot er av religiösa skäl och fördrivit er från era hem

Allah forbids you not, respecting those who have not fought against you on account of your religion, and who have not driven you forth from your homes, that you be kind to them and act equitably towards them; surely Allah loves those who are equitable. Allah only forbids you, respecting those who have fought against you on account of your religion, and have driven you out of your homes, and have helped others in driving you out, that you make friends of them, and whosoever makes friends of them — it is these that are the transgressors. (60:9-10)

Verserna ovan förklarar förhållandena under den Helige Profeten Muhammads (Allahs frid och välsignelser vare med honom) tid, och vilka höga krav som ställdes på de troende gällande regler för strid. Sammanfattningsvis:

  • Krig motiverat enbart i självförsvar, som svar på de oförrätter som nämnts ovan.
  • Rättvisa ska tillämpas mot fienden. Om fienden avstår från krig, så ska muslimerna också göra det.
  • Förbund och överenskommelser med fienden ska upprätthållas, så länge de själva upprätthåller dem.
  • Fredliga och goda relationer ska upprätthållas med alla övriga folk och människor.

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